I'm super excited and happy to announce that the teacher's lineup for Wanderlust 2023 is now known and I'll be one of the guest artists of WANDERLUST 2023 (Happy dance here!! :))
I couldn't be happier to be part of this best-selling year-long online course in mixed-media art journaling.
Why am I so happy to be teaching on Wanderlust 2023, besides being part of this fantastic group of teachers?
Because with Wanderlust 2023 you will have a year of learning and inspiration!
We bring together 31 inspiring Teachers, and we give you 55 high-quality video lessons, one for almost every week in 2023. Each lesson comes with a printable handout to help you through the process.
With Flowers Magic Challenge we saw the importance of community and what a beautiful and inspiring lineup of artists can make for our art practice.
You might be related to one of the feelings about creating, that some people in my creative community shared with me:
🌺 Struggle with being spontaneous and willing to trust the process
🌺Consistently working every day
🌺Where to start
🌺Being consistent
🌺Making art an everyday practice
🌺Worrying that it won’t look good
🌺Being free and wild, I freeze and get so intimidated by the page
🌺At the point where I start a painting or a page, there is always fear about starting, not knowing where I'm going...
It's life-changing what it can make to our art journey, our confidence, and art practice, being guided by other artists and knowing other ways to explore and create.
WANDERLUST 2023 will provide you with a consistent dose of inspiration and knowledge. Weekly lessons from various experienced Teachers can be your guarantee of the best year of art.
Wanderlust has a signature teaching style that encourages expressing your own personality on EACH of the pieces that you make.
The lessons are not about the teachers and products, they are about *you* and all the practical ways in which you can make every project a feast of self-expression.
Why not make a commitment that 2023 will be a year filled with inspiration, learning, and creativity? There’s no better way to do it than by joining the most supportive and explorative community of mixed-media Adventurers on Wanderlust 2023
There's something extra special
about Wanderlust 2023 that I love!
Lessons are set to focus on groups of Star Supplies and learning all about them. Proper in-depth knowledge with lots of tips, mini techniques, product comparisons, and projects.
Every class focuses on a Hero Technique!
Each lesson will be built around one Hero Technique, which each Teacher has chosen for their lesson to provide a focus and a structure to the course. This also ensures that the techniques won’t repeat and that you’re learning experience is balanced and more varied than ever!
Jeanne Oliver art
Melissa Fink art
Nicole Warrington